Fall Is Approaching, When Will Dallas Chill?

Fall is approaching, and that means cooler temperatures along with festivals, pumpkins, and almost everything pumpkin flavored. We have much to look forward to as the new season approaches, but perhaps the thing most Dallas residents are looking forward to is the cooler temperatures. When will Dallas chill?

If you are a Texas resident, you probably know it takes some time for Dallas to cool off from summer. Summer in Texas means heat waves and finding a new favorite indoor activity. Here are a few things to look forward to as the weather cools down.

Give Your Air Conditioning Unit A Break

Cooler temperatures are on the way. While the crisp 60-degree days are still about a month or two off, even 80 degrees feels cooler than the triple digits we were experiencing not long ago. 

One of the best parts about autumn is the reprieve your air conditioning unit receives. It doesn’t have to be running 24/7 to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. This is the perfect time to replace the filter and other small parts that worked hard all summer to keep you cool. Those parts ran for months and collected dust and dirt, so it is time for a little fall cleaning.

Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating is available for regular tune-ups for your air conditioning and your heater. While the days when we will need to turn the heat on are still far off, it is time to schedule a tune-up for your heater. Don’t wait until it is freezing to discover that your heater isn’t functioning properly, set your appointment today.

Fall Forecast

Fall is approaching, and we forecast apple picking, pumpkin patches, and hot cocoa in your fall future, along with a few scattered thunderstorms to set the mood for the cooler weather. According to the Almanac, September and October will be scattered with thunderstorms, a refreshing change of weather from the heatwave summer so harshly brought on us. 

Now, we are still talking about Texas here, so while those scattered thunderstorms may bring a brief reprieve, still expect some heat. September and October will have a few weeks of very warm to hot weather.

When will Dallas chill? As September fades out, so will the stifling 90-degree days. Temperatures will hang closer to the 70-80-degree range, with cool breezes from the north and warm winds from the south. It is lining up to be your typical Texas October, so don’t bring out your big sweaters just yet.

Tune-Up Your Air Conditioner This Fall

As fall is approaching, it is time to prepare your air conditioner to hibernate. Cooler temperatures are on the way, soon there will be no need for your air conditioner until next year. This is the perfect time to make sure the air filter is clean or replaced and to make sure it is functioning properly. You can save yourself from a big headache next summer by shutting things down and winterizing it properly before it gets too cold.

Call Ellis Air Conditioning And Heating 

Call the Ellis family crew today for any air conditioning or heating services you need. It is always a good idea to think ahead, and Ellis can help your family have a smoother transition into cooler weather with their tune-up services. 

Call Ellis today at (972) 362-1501. We are happy to service your heating or air unit. Get your appointment scheduled with us today. Fall is approaching, get this scheduled before your fall fun calendar fills up.

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