What To Do In Mid-July When Your Air Conditioning Goes Out

It’s mid-July and the worst has happened. Your air conditioner finally gave its dying breath. This can be very stressful, but with the help of professionals, you won’t have to worry at all.  

Step 1, call Ellis Air Conditioning And Heating. They have 24/7 services for your convenience. Next, make sure no unnecessary heat is seeping in, and go cool off with an iced coffee or cocktail happy hour, you’ve earned it.

Keep Doors And Windows Shut

It is likely that you didn’t hear your air conditioning unit break, you simply noticed it getting warmer inside. Even then, at this moment it is important to conserve the cool air that is lingering in your home. If you heard your air conditioning unit fail, this is especially important because the cool air will soon seep out and the hot air seeps in with no regulation to maintain the cool inside. Therefore, keep the doors and windows shut to conserve as much cool air as possible.

Additionally, stop cooking and turn off household appliances that may be generating heat, like the oven. Candles may be small, but blow them out and even check that curling irons or clothing irons are turned off, too. These small things will make the time you have to wait for a repairman far more bearable.

Happy Hour – Backyard Popsicle Edition 

Keep a few freezer pops in your cooler all summer for a poolside treat or to cool the whole family off should your air conditioning unit go out. This will calm little ones if you have any, and it will calm you as well. 

Here is a popsicle recipe for you, don’t worry if you don’t have popsicle molds or popsicle sticks.  A small cup or even an ice cube tray with a spoon will do the trick, and these tasty treats will be great in a pinch. Homemade popsicles are also a great way to entertain your family and keep their mind off the rising heat. 

Happy Hour – Coffee Edition

An afternoon cup of coffee or tea is the perfect getaway from a hot house. Whether it is just you or the whole family, a trip to your closest coffee shop is always a good idea. If you work remotely and the heat is unbearable, you can borrow the cool atmosphere of a coffee shop for a few hours while you finish up. With kids, a field trip to the coffee shop for a yummy drink and a tasty treat from the pastry case will keep everyone in good spirits. Regardless of the situation, if you and your family need a cool haven in the midst of a mid-July air conditioning crisis, try a new coffee shop.

Happy Hour – Cocktail Edition 

Dallas is full of cute places with happy hour specials for days just like the day your air conditioning goes out. Relax on a misting patio or inside at a table to cool off. Try the place you’ve driven by a hundred times or go to one of your old favorite spots. 

Whether or not you have the whole family with you, Bowl and Barrel has a great cocktail menu, snacks, and bowling. It is safe and fun for all ages. In a time when you need some air conditioning, fun, and relaxation, this is a good destination

Ellis Air Conditioning And Heating 

Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help you in a mid-July Air conditioning crisis. They offer 24/7 emergency support, just give them a call at 1-972-362-1501. Additionally, Ellis Air Conditioning and Heating has been servicing the Dallas-Fort Worth area since 1975,  so you can rest assured that you have a great team on standby!

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